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Online internal employee magazine: How to produce one?

online Internal employee magazine

3 steps to produce an online internal magazine

How can we improve internal communications?

Of course – an online emloyees newspaper.

These days, your online internal magazine should be available on any device. More and more employees take the time to read information outside the office: On a coffee break, on the go, while waiting in line at the bank and on other breaks throughout the day.

Today you need an online employee's newspaper to get to them and their families!

Here are 3 Steps for getting there:

Here are 3 Steps for getting there:

You have many interesting information for your employees.

Save it all for the in-house magazine!

  • News and success stories of the organization.

  • The latest acquisition, a new manager, and some fresh benefits. You will be surprised, but not everyone in your organization knows about it.

  • Interviews with some managers.

  • Pictures, pictures, pictures! In addition, videos! Events, going outs, barbeques. Show off, and remember that the most favorite stuff online are photos and videos.

Choose the right platform:

online in-house magazine design

  • Do you have website experts with lots of free time? You are lucky! Let them build your platform.

  • Alternatively - let me set it up for you. It will contain all the information and will enable you to provide flexible distribution to, the various departments of the organization, for different types of expertise, different communities and more.

  • We will help you fix and enhance your images, edit and write the news (from A to Z if needed).

  • We will make sure it all works out nicely.

Send the online magazine and encouraged the employees to enter:

  • Send a link by email or SMS to all employees. We can help you out here as well.

  • Even if everyone seems to know about the link, send it anyway.

  • You must, have a 'giveaway'. Anything from a restaurant voucher to a weekend out north. People always ask 'what's in it for me'. Let them know what it is. Have a contest, a quiz etc...

Call me today and talk to me about a sample for you. It may be the right step to your first issue!

For further questions, please contact Meni 972-507-528444

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Meni Stern
מני שטרן


33 Gefen St., Moshav Lachish, Israel 79360000
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