Is there a particular size of organization where employees have a newspaper?
Do all organizations need an in-house magazine?
How should you produce an online in-house magazine that works?
Can you produce one for a small firm?
Great questions and I will address them all in the next post.
In the recent past, an organization had to be about 1000 employees strong, to afford to produce a printed in-house magazine. Budget considerations prevented smaller companies from having this great tool.
With smart mobile taking over, you can communicate the firm's latest information directly to the palm of your employees. Here are a few points to help you produce an online in-house magazine, accessible to everyone.
The nature of the online information:
Classified material belong to your intranet server. Your online in-house magazine is for non-confidential information. It should express your in-house PR in the best way.
Write about success stories, acquisitions and development.
Let everyone see graet pictures of your "get together" activity, bar-b-q's, family gatherings and parties.
Give a note from the CEO about all the good in the company and further plans affecting employees.
Anyone outside the firm will get a great impression without any confidential material getting out.
Number of Employees:
If your company is fifty employees or more, you definitely need to communicate in-house information. You will be surprised how many personal stories of interest you have among your employees. Stories you need to tell all your colleagues. The online in-house magazine is the right place to publish, and make everybody proud of being part of this company.
The online in-house magazine has a low budget tag, compared to the printed version.
Where are your employees located?
The more your employees are scattered in remote locations, the more you need to share your company's activities with them.
Even if most of your employees work in the same location, there are always some who are on the move, (sales and services) some work at home and some just being busy and out of reach. It is important everyone have access to the information you publish.
The nature of occupations at your firm:
It is possible that most of the workers come from similar backgrounds, but in most cases, employees have many different professions, different ethnic and cultural background. The online in-house newsletter will get people closer and more cooperative.
Executives / managers / employees
You may have more than two hundred employees. In this case you have different niches that require different communications.
With an online in-house newspaper, you get to divide information according to diverse interest, easily and efficiently, and the reader can reach specific information in specific sections of the e-zine.
Languages / Global firms:
If you employ people speaking different languages, you are aware of the importance of communicating in a person's original language. Employees receiving information in their own language will get recognition and respect, as an employee and as a person, and would feel far more comfortable in the organization.
In conclusion, any company needs an online in-house magazine Create one today. It is easy and convenient.
Call me and get a sample that can be the basis of your online in-house magazine!
For more on this, please contact Meni 972-507-528444
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